After meals the leftover of the meal dissolves in saliva and it settles on the surface of the tooth. This is called plaque.
If we remove it with an appropriate tooth-cleaning technique in time, it cannot cause any problems. But if it remains on the surface of the tooth, it will calcify after a while, it will harden and proliferate into places which are hard to be cleaned. This is called tartar.
Most tartars arise where the saliva contains the most mineral substances. Thus we can see stain in a greater amount on those places where the outlets of the big salivary glands are opening, i.e. on the side of the lower front teeth from the direction of the tongue, and on the side of the upper molars from the direction of the cheek.
Tartar cannot be removed with the traditional tooth-cleaning technique, for the removal you should go to see a dentist.
Proliferated tartar is able to cause serious damages so its removal is absolutely suggested. Tartar contains numerous bacteria of various types so it is a constant source of infection. The gum becomes red and inflammated, and during tooth-cleaning or in case of a minor mechanical impression gum-bleeding occurs. This time the gums do not stick to the teeth, they slowly become separated beause tartars hinder normal adherence. The gum can gradually withdraw, and a gingival pocket is generated, therefore the surface of the tooth, which becomes uncovered, will be very sensitive. If the tartar still remains there, the inflammation can spread on the bone substance sorrounding the tooth, the consequence of which could be the loosening or the loss of the teeth.
Tartars can be removed with manual or electronic appliances. The bigger tartars can be flipped down with manual tools, the rest should be removed by electronic appliances. It is very important to remove the tartar under the gums as well, not only the the tartars on the visible outer surfaces. In the appliance the operating end is vibrated by ultrasonic waves, and if this end touches the tartar, the tartar will peel off the surface of the tooth.
Considering that the tartar can really cause numerous problems, it is worth having it removed in every six months.
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